A Personal Note And Story From The Founder
Thank you for purchasing HCG EZ Drops! I am amazed every day at the success stories that pour in from customers, and I’m sure your story can be just as dramatic and inspiring as any of theirs!
My name is Dave Sherwin, and I want to share a personal story with you, that I hope will inspire and help you to not only lose the weight you want to, but to keep it off permanently!
I am a triathlete. I workout 6 days a week, running, biking, and swimming, and while most people think triathletes are just plain crazy, I am 45 years old and have never felt better, or healthier, in my life because of my triathlon habit. But my interest in weight loss came one day, at the end of a race. Most people had crossed the finish line. The fastest racers were examining the results to see if they won medals or not. People were laughing and joking, and enjoying fresh fruit and bagels under temporary shelters.
I was wandering around, and ended up close to the finish line, and noticed that people were still straggling in. And they weren’t laughing or joking, they looked like they were in pain. Most of them were overweight. I watched as people struggled to the finish line, and realized that this was where the real drama of the race was. The fast “hard bodies” who won the race were impressive, but they didn’t labor anywhere close to how the people with the extra pounds did!
I saw old and young, men and women, all digging deep to accomplish a goal that was important to them. The cheering crowds had left the finish line long ago, yet here they were, slowly crossing the line one at a time, some in obvious pain.
Yet they finished. It was really inspiring. You could see the joy as they accomplished their goal and completed the race. But as I learned more and more about weight loss, and participated with many people in my triathlon club who struggled with weight issues, I realized that for some people no amount of exercise or healthy eating seemed to make a difference. Those stubborn pounds just seemed to hang on, and all the diets, exercise, lotions and potions combined couldn’t budge it.
Then I heard about HCG drops. I was intrigued by the success stories, and started studying and researching. And sure enough, I discovered a proven weight loss method that has worked for over 50 years, yet has only recently grown in popularity.
And in researching, I realized what made it so powerful and more effective than all the regular, slow methods. The key is very simple- SPEED! The problem we have as human beings is we are impatient! Very few of us have will power to last for months or years. So while every one of us know that healthy eating and exercise is the true solution to health, for many people it just takes too long to work, and they lose hope and give up before reaching their goal!
But here’s a secret: anybody can do anything for a few weeks! And a few weeks, and ability to follow directions is all that’s required to drop a lot of pounds in a hurry with HCG EZ Drops!
And so people drop weight quickly, they look better, they feel better, they have more energy, and they are thrilled! But what about keeping it off? Here’s the challenge. When you hit your ideal body weight, the heavens don’t open up and angels don’t come down and sing. As great as it sounds, and as great as it is, dropping those pounds only puts you in the position of… wait for it… normalcy! And that’s not enough.
So let me introduce you to a concept I learned from Karate. My son has a Blackbelt. It took him 6 years of hard work and was fun to see him learn and grow through that experience. And one of the most important things he learned is a concept they call:
“Punch Through The Break”
What that means is, if you have hit a bad guy you don’t aim for his face, you aim for the back of his head. A punch aimed behind him will have momentum and force behind it, and truly knock him on his behind, where a punch aimed at the face will only glance off and do minimal damage.
The lesson is, you have to aim for more. In weight loss, getting back your high school body may seem like a dream to you right now. But I’m willing to bet that if you don’t “punch through the break” and have a bigger goal to shoot for, you may fall back into your old habits (and sizes!) and gain the weight back.
So what to do? The best way to “punch through the break” is to pick some physical or athletic challenge, and work towards that. It’s better, and more inspiring than “I want to lose 30 pounds.” The very best goals often come from deep down inside, perhaps a dream you had once, long ago, but gave up on. Here are some I’ve heard:
– Run a marathon
– Climb Kilimanjaro!
– Play a sport you enjoyed as a child again. (Believe it or not, it’s more fun as an adult!)
– Hike a famous trail
– Do a triathlon
– Complete a “Century” bike ride
– Play in a softball league
– Attend a local aerobics class three times a week, while looking good in tight gym clothes!
… I don’t know what it is for you, but as a 45 year old triathlete, I can assure you that nothing keeps me going like the next race! Without a next race, I can guarantee you I would not be in the shape I’m in now!
And while you may have no interest in any kind of a race, I know there is some physical activity or sport that you would absolutely love, and that would make all the difference in achieving, and maintaining your ideal body weight.
So dig deep and pick that inspirational activity or race, and go for it! You really can do it! And in doing it you will do much more than hit a weight goal, you will improve your personal quality of life in a rich and meaningful way!
Another reliable but unsolicited Hcg testimonial!
An updated testimonial from Sarah B. who lost 9.2 pounds on her fifth day and she stated her recent update:
“I’ve tried so many other diet and exercise programs with little or no success. Now on day 7 and I’m down 14 pounds. I am amazed!”
Congratulations again Sarah B. Please keep us updated and continue being such an inspiration to everyone.
Another Unsolicited Hcg Testimonial!
An unsolicited testimonial from Gaylene J.B. who gave us updates on her progress. Here’s her weight loss report as seen on our Facebook fan page:
June 4 – “Day four and 6 pounds gone. Whooppeee”
June 8 – “Hello everyone….day 8 – 10lbs and 5 3/4 inches….whooopeeee. Trust me it is not easy but then is anything worth while?? :)”
Thank you Gaylene for keeping us well updated on your every progress. We celebrate with you!!! Keep it up! [or should I say, keep it off? – the pounds off I mean, 😉 ]
Another Unsolicited Hcg Weight Loss Testimonial!
Cindy T. asked us something in our Facebook fan page and eventually shared her hcg weight loss result, for everyone to see. This is what she had to say:
“I’ve been on this diet for 26 days lost 24 when you get off of it for three weeks about how many pounds will you gain before you stabilize?”
Well, we answered her inquiry this way “…you shouldn’t gain ANY pounds in the next 3 weeks! Continue to weigh daily, and eat carefully so as to not gain anything back at all”
Her amazing weight loss result was so astounding that we can’t help but to share her experience here. Cindy, congrats on your success! Keep it up!