How Many cc a Drop of HCG Has
There have been many speculations and wondering of the exact measurement for a “drop” of HCG. Well, there has been no exact measurement at all because it depends on the type of liquid, temperature and measurement device. The usual 20 drops per cc (ml) is used as a general guideline so that makes .5cc x 2x per day (1cc in total) or is equal to 40 drops a day.
This should be the proper dose for this formulation taken 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before dinner.
Since we are not dealing with a pregnant woman here, therefore we need only a little amount of HCG, just to awaken the fat releasing mechanism of the body. When a woman gets pregnant, the body produces such amount of hcg which is needed to supply the baby with enough fats to nourish it. However, we do not want to produce more as it will reverse the weight loss process of the dieter.
A Steak Day-Evening Meal
After ending phase 2, if you ever noticed a gain or if you’ve gained less than 2 lbs (1kg), it is recommended to do a steak day. Why a steak day? It is simply because you are training your body to stabilize the existing weight, and training yourself to interact with food in a way that allows your body to do so. One steak day is all that you need and it should start exactly on the day where you notice the gain, not later than that.
What should be done on the Steak Day?
- Empty stomach the whole day. Eat nothing at all.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Steak Day is your “dinner”. Eat as much as you can a large, lean-cut of steak, with nothing else. You can add a little salt to taste.
Two hours later you may eat either one medium-sized apple or one tomato. Apples and tomatoes will provide fiber and enzymes that will keep the protein you have eaten moving through your digestive system. Even if you chew it properly it will still sit in your stomach, and apple or tomato will ensure it is properly digested to be released into your intestinal tract
Distributing The 800 Calories within the Day
There are some dieters who will still starve on the 500 calorie diet even while on HCG. So there was a revision made in order to sustain the hunger while giving the body enough nutrients it needs while on the diet.
Another way to deal hunger while on the diet is to distribute the meal to smaller portions throughout the day.
Our stomachs are just about the size of our fist. When we eat more than can fit into that size of a compartment, it must stretch (which our stomachs will do). Unfortunately, everything extra is stored away as fat. Smaller amounts more frequently is better than a few large meals. You must keep your blood sugar at a point where you can function comfortably without sending your body the message you are starving. If you wish to have 3 larger meals a day we recommend taking smaller portions and have 2 snacks in between each meal.
Here are some advantages of eating small frequent meals;
- Eating frequent small meals keeps you away from over eating.
- Eating more often helps increase your metabolism.
- Eating more often allows your body to utilize more of the vitamins and minerals you take in during the meals.
- Smaller, more frequent meals allow your body to regulate blood sugar better.
- Eating smaller meals avoids overstretching of your stomach, so lesser fats are stored
- You will not go around hungry all day
Hcg Diet Recipes: Shrimp Cocktail Sauce
Shrimp Cocktail is a simple, spicy appetizer served with homemade cocktail sauce. You can make this recipe on special occasions or just any HCG diet day you feel like
5 0z raw shrimp
Cocktail sauce:
3 ounces tomato paste
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon hot sauce
1/8 teaspoon of horseradish
Dash of mustard powder
Stevia to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Water as needed for desired consistency
Mix tomato paste, vinegar, horseradish, lemon juice and spices together and allow spices to marinate and dipping sauce to chill. Add water as needed to a desired consistency. Steam the shrimp until pink and well cooked. Let the shrimp cool and then chill for 30 minutes in the refrigerator and serve with cocktail dipping sauce.
Check out more of our hcg diet recipes here.
Broccoli Cream Soup
Start to live healthy by starting your phase 3 challenge with a healthy soup made of broccoli, cottage cheese and milk. Try this recipe, it is so easy and you will surely love this.
- 10 cups fresh broccoli
- 1 onion
- 1 celery stalk
- 5 cups chicken broth (make your own broth)
- 4 cups nonfat milk
- 20 ounces cottage cheese
- Salt to taste
Chop onion and celery. Use medium heat to heat 5 tablespoons chicken broth until onion and celery becomes tender. Pour in the remaining broccoli and remaining broth. Cover and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Once broccoli becomes tender, blend ingredients together using immersion blender then pour milk and cottage cheese. Let it simmer for another 20 minutes to thicken soup to desired consistency.
Banana Chocolate Dip
A very easy and quick dessert you can create on your own and customize.Its fun and colorful if you want it to be. Try this awesome banana recipe.
- 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 cup coconut oil
- 10 pkt Stevia
- 1.5 tsp ground cinnamon
- Bananas (number optional)
Place 1c of coconut oil in casserole at medium heat for 1 minute or until liq. Add 1c unsweetened cocoa -10 packets of Stevia and 1.5 tsp cinnamon. Stir together and pour into ice tray. Let it cool. Insert a stick at the center of the banana and dip. You can add nuts if you want.
You may also prefer organic dark chocolates that are unsweetened or with no sugar. You melt it in a low heat and whoolllaaa ready to dip the banana.
Phase 3 Dessert : Coconut Macaroons
Deprive yourself no more on delicious foods you have been wanting to indulge since phase 2. Here’s a sweet treat you can snack on.
- 1 cup shredded raw coconut
- .5 tsp coconut extract
- .5 tsp vanilla
- 2 eggs (egg white)
- ½ cup whipping cream (whipped)
- 7tsp splenda
Mix cream, sweetener, shredded coconut and coconut extract. Mix well. Stir in the egg whites and vanilla. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto greased baking sheets. Bake 12-14 minutes in preheated 350 degree oven.
Stabilize and Go Slow on Food
Now you should start this third phase on the 72nd hour after your last injection of HCG and you continue the VLCD, then gradually increase your calories from 800 a day to 1200 for a day or two and then to 1500/day.
You can basically reintroduce all kinds of foods that were not allowed in phase 2 mainly fats and dairy products except for the 2; sugars and starches.Any kinds of sugars and carbohydrates, no excuses!
You can eat different vegetables and you can even mix them altogether again at this phase of HCG. You can also eat different fruits. You may start exercising moderately and increase your exercise gradually once you reach this certain phase.
You need to focus on maintaining a good portion control or eat in portion sizes. However, it is just not there, continue to monitor your weight every morning before eating. Use a steak day if you go over 2-4 lbs of weight gain.
Watching a Gain in Phase 4 (Maintenance Phase)
When you are almost done with phase 3 you make think that entering phase 4 is a lot easier. You might misunderstand the phrase “you can start introducing the foods you were banned to eat”, or to gorge on all the things you have not been eating! Phase 4 is indeed a continuation of the process of weight loss and maintaining that weight loss for the rest of your life. You are not yet done watching what you eat there are still chances that you will see a gain in this phase so continuing to analyze the gain is very important.
The main rule in phase 4 is ‘slowly introduce sugar and starches to your diet”. The technique here is adding an item one at a time so that it will be easier to determine the culprit of the gain. If a particular item causes you to gain weight then find other alternatives of that item. Like when you added white flour and it causes you to gain weight, find other alternatives of the flours available.
Here are a few things you can do.
- Everyday journal of the foods and beverages you are eating should be continued. If you gained the following days check on the list of foods you have eaten prior to the gain. Usually you will see an effect after 48hours. If a gain may occur check the food and analyze your findings. It may be from the food directly of from the additives and chemicals added to the food.
- Now that you have analyzed and identified the foods that made you gain, keep a list of it so that it will be easier for you to determine when you try these foods again. Give it a break for a while and then after a few weeks try them again until such time your system stabilizes and can possibly adopt these items at least on a minimal basis.
Determine What Made You Gain in Pahse 3
Some hcg dieters may not value watching the calorie intake on phase 3 and might think phase 2 is over and calorie counting is done. No, that should not be the case! Phase 3 however, should be taken seriously and vigilantly and calorie counting or analyzing such as the intake percentages of protein, fat, and carbohydrates should be undertaken. If you are gaining weight in P3, try the following tips below:
1. Check the labels for all the foods and beverages you are consuming. There might be hidden sugar and starch in it.
2. Be aware of the ingredients and chemicals that are being put into your food.
3. Though it’s not very helpful to drive yourself crazy counting calories, continue to count calories until you can figure what made you gain. This is just only for a short while though.
4. Check your calorie count and your intake percentages of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. You may use an online tool for this. Make adjustments if necessary like when you still show a gain even though the calorie level you are in is where it should be to maintain your weight.
5. Protein and fat intake needs to be higher than normal.
6. If you see a stable session, maintain it for a while then add carbs and lessen protein. Then see if there are any changes. Make adjustments if possible on the foods.
7. Try eliminating other foods for a few days such as fruits then slowly add back. Then see if you are stable with it.
8. Have you been stressed or started vigorously exercising? Try slowing down for a while.