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What Is HCG?
HCG stands for Human Chroionic Gonadotropin. It’s a natural hormone. It has been proven to help the body shed excess fat, resulting in fat loss of 1-2 pounds per day! (Some people lose less than this, some more, but 1-2 is a very common result.) HCG is most commonly produced in the urine of pregnant women, but before you leave this page in disgust, rest assured that modern science and pharmaceutical labs have generated new non-hormonal blends that contain no HCG hormone, but have the same effect on the body.
How Does It Help Me Lose Weight?
The HCG diet is based on turning excess body fat into available calories. HCG dieters can lower their food intake drastically, yet comfortably, because the fat loss creates 1,500 to 4,000 extra available calories per day! It’s called a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD). When the hCG diet is followed, dieters often report safe and comfortable weight loss of 1-2 pounds per day
Do I Have to do a 500 Calorie Diet?
The answer is No. We have developed an
800 calorie diet, and a 1200 calorie diet. These diets make HCG a more comfortable experience, and they allow more exercise than the 500 calorie diet.
An approved Foods list and the amount of calories in each can be found here.
*** NOTE, you can download the 500 calorie protocol, as well as our fast start guide and recipe book by clicking on this link:
HCG diet books and recipes
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Wouldn’t ANYBODY On A VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) Lose Weight?
Without the HCG diet protocol, simply starving yourself on a VLCD is an unhealthy and ineffective method of losing weight. The body goes into “starvation mode,” and hangs onto that fat desperately and the hunger pains become unbearable, so this method of dieting often results in binge eating. Also, the HCG diet “forces” the body to lose excess fat and convert it to fuel, whereas on a starvation diet the body often depletes muscle before fat.
Won’t I Feel Tired On A Low Calorie Diet?
While the HCG Very Low Calorie Diet may seem extreme, the vast majority of dieters are pleasantly surprised by how alert and energetic they feel. Because of the extra calories made available by the fat burning process, the body has plenty of energy for daily tasks.
Is HCG A “Yo-Yo Diet?” Won’t I Just Gain The Weight Right Back Again?
No! After the 26-40 day cycle, the hypothalamus has “reset” itself, resulting in a physiological change that encourages maintenance of the new body weight.
Should I Work Out While On The HCG Diet?
If you are going to work out while on the diet, we highly recommend the 800 or 1200 calorie diet options recommended above. Do not exercise if you do the 500 calorie HCG diet.Here is the allowed workouts, with a brief description of each.
How Long Should I Stay On It?
Research suggests doing the 500 calorie diet in 26-40 day “cycles.” Dieters who need to lose more weight should return to a normal routine for a few weeks, then do another cycle, until all the excess weight is lost. If you choose the 800 or 1200 calorie options, you can stay on the diet for extended periods of time, depending on how much you have to lose, how well you are doing on those diets, and your doctors advice. As with any diet program, consulting with your physician is important.
Is The HCG Diet Safe?
HCG EZ Drops are perfectly safe, and the basic premise of the HCG diet has been tested and proven for over 60 years, starting with Dr. Simeons famous weight loss clinic in Rome. Thousands of people have completed the protocol, many under their doctors supervision, and many physicians report a 98% success rate! Also, the addition of the 800 and 1200 calorie HCG diets has really improved the safety of the diet, as many health practitioners cringe at the thought of a 500 calorie diet, even though the loss of excess fat is providing the necessary extra calories needed.
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Don’t I Need A Prescription For HCG drops?
No. HCG used to be delivered only by doctors, and through daily injections. HCG EZ Drops are oral, non-hormonal, and are of the highest possible potency!
Are There Any Side Effects?
No. There are no side effects. A very small amount of people report mild headaches or dizziness during the first few days while the body is adjusting. It is recommended that you increase your water consumption during the diet, this helps eliminate the potential for headaches.
Will HCG Interfere With Birth Control?
There is no evidence of HCG interfering with any birth control method.
Can I Use HCG While I Am Breastfeeding?
Although HCG is a natural hormone, we advise you to consult with your doctor before taking HCG while breastfeeding.
What If I Have Diabetes?
Many diabetics have experienced health improvements from the HCG diet. Dr. Daniel Koontz, MD, of the “Healthy Habits Radio Show” claims to have stabilized over 50,000 diabetics with the HCG diet since 1972! But as always, consult with your doctor if you have concerns. For more information on HCG and Diabetes, click here