Healthy Eating
There’s an old quote related to healthy eating that goes like this, “Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a pauper“.
Kings are known to be treated highly and when it comes to food, they are served with the best their personal high paid chef can offer. Relatively, if we eat like a “king” during breakfast, a power breakfast that consist of carbs, eggs, and the highly recommended green smoothies, there will be more carbs or calories to burn, and the more energy it produces for our body’s needed fuel that will last us the whole day. Same principle applies that if we eat less during this time, there wouldn’t be enough energy to fuel us up throughout the day. As for lunch, a typical meal which consist of protein, veggies, fruits and a little carb.
Queens are also offered the best of the best but being on the feminine side, they tend to eat smaller meals than men, and perhaps their figure are considered as well. Gender aside, this type of “small-meal” or “queen-like” eating is just about enough to help nourish our bodies and sustain our energy before the day ends. Also, our pacing tends to slow down a little bit during this time.
Lastly, as for the “pauper”, we all know that they are, most of the time,deprived of food for not having enough money to spend. But that’s not to say we deprive ourselves of food at all. Figuratively, it means to eat less during dinner. It should still be consisting of protein, a little carb, veggies and fruits but less servings compared to breakfast and lunch. This is because our bodies and metabolism slows down, what with lesser activities to do. Also, our brain recognizes, as the sun sets and as our surroundings become less noisy, that we are about to retire and slumber, that it automatically sends signal to our body to slow down. And once we are asleep, the food we ate gets processed very slowly. Specially if we eat so much fatty foods, it wouldn’t be burned as energy, rather, it becomes stored fats that is hard to eliminate.
I hope this clarifies that, as the quote suggest, to be eating like a king or a queen doesn’t mean being a picky eater or our meals should be fine dining or we ought to have our own chef. Nor we ought to eat whatever is available to a typical pauper. Eating a complete and healthy set of meal is what the quote implies, which is fundamental to maintaining a healthy body.