A Single Diet Change that Creates Weight Loss
Research funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute discovered that one simple dietary change can create weight loss. Doctors at the University of Massachusetts conducted research on subjects who all had Metabolic Syndrome, which are a variety of conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes, and high blood sugar, and also had a BMI of over 30 (the level generally considered to be obese.)
Test subjects were given one of two protocols, one group had to eat at least 30 grams of high quality fiber, while the other group followed the AHA diet (American Heart Association recommended diet.)
The research found that simply increasing the level of fiber produced a similar amount of weight loss, as well as other health benefits, as following the AHA diet.
“We are pleased that a diet that encourags eating more fiber can provide similar weight loss to the more complicated AHA diet,” says Yunsheng Ma, MD, PhD.
The subjects on the high fiber only diet lost 4.6 pounds, while those on the much more complicated diet lost 5.95 pounds.
So, it makes sense to ensure you are getting 30 grams of fiber every day. One way to do that is to use a weight loss app, see our post on the subject here.
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