Our Pretty Dang Cool New Promotion
You probably saw our unique new promotion, “Get a free product on Amazon with every order!” Well, it’s a good’un.
There are four products to choose from:
Mimi’s Miracle Minerals
A bio-available mineral complex with over 72 trace minerals! This has been a life-changing product for many people, and could for you too, even if you’re a vegan or otherwise super clean eater. The fact is, our modern farming methods and chemicals have caused our foods to be less mineral rich than they used to be. Take Mimi’s Miracle Minerals to fill in the “mineral blanks” in your diet.
Mimi’s Omegas
Most Omega 3 products don’t meet the 5 criteria that fish oil should:
-Pharmaceutical Grade
-Burpless (no fishy aftertaste)
-Metals tested (no mercury or other heavy metals)
-Good country of origin (Canada or Norway)
-Potency (at least 1,000 MG of heart healthy goodness in every serving)
Well, you guessed it, Mimi’s Omegas has all 3! Try a bottle and we bet you’ll never go back to your old brand!
Raspberry Ketone Pro
“Fat Burner in a Bottle” is what Dr. Oz calls Raspberry Ketones. And our blend is far superior to most out there, with 800 MG of Raspberry Ketones per serving! It’s a super follow up to the HCG Diet, and helps during transition phase to keep those pounds off!
Pounds and Inches Drops
It’s the same formula as our famous HCG EZ Drops, but formulated specially for sale on Amazon. Same great product, different look and feel, and has a 2 year life span. So, great to have on hand next time you need to lose a few pounds in a hurry!
If you have placed an order on hcgezdrops.com or vitalhcg.com since January 1st, you quality for this deal! All you have to do is choose which product you want, and send an e-mail to with your request, and you will be supplied with 100% off coupons! For most people the shipping will be free too, but depending on where you live, and the type of Amazon account you have, there may be a very small Amazon fee for shipping (we don’t get this, it goes straight to them.)
If you bought 1 bottle, you pick any product from the list above, if you bought 2 or more bottles, you pick any 2 products above! So just shoot us an e-mail with your name and contact info, and the bottles you prefer, and voila! We will send you freebie codes!
HCG 800 Calorie Diet Menu: Cucumber Salad (Phase 2)
Here is a very good snack and salad for daily HCG 800 calorie diet menu. So easy and so affordable. Try this!
200 grams thinly sliced cucumber
1 T. vinegar
1 t. dill
HCG Safe Stevia
Black pepper
How to Use HCG EZ Drops
HCG EZ Drops are easy to use. There’s no mixing, or preparation of any kind… and there’s certainly no “shooting up” like in the old days of the HCG diet back in the 60’s!
No, HCG EZ Drops taste great, are easy to take, less expensive than their druggy counterpart, and come in a nice blue glass bottle.
To take them, count out 20 drops onto a spoon, and put them under your tongue for 1-2 minutes, then swallow. Also, if you are lazy and don’t want to count, fill the dropper 1/3 full, that’s close enough to 20 drops.
They are best taken 15-30 minutes before breakfast, then 15-30 minutes before lunch. Take them every day during the duration of the 800 calorie diet. Yes, that’s 800 calories, not 500. If you weren’t aware, NOBODY is recommending the 500 calorie diet anymore unless they have been living in a cave for the last 5 years. The 800 calorie diet is just as effective, and allows enough protein to keep muscle mass up, which the 500 calorie version simply doesn’t do.
Watch this brief video for more detail on how to use HCG EZ Drops:
A few other notes:
1. The shelf life (unopened) of HCG EZ Drops is 3 years.
2. Once opened, the entire contents should be used daily during the diet phase, until it’s empty.
3. HCG EZ Drops don’t require refrigeration, so you can take them with you to work or school or Tibet.
For any other questions or comments just ask them below, we respond to all in a timely manner!
Intermittent Fasting: Not as Sucky as it Sounds.
Intermittent fasting for weight loss may sound about as exciting as drinking bleach to you, at least, that’s how it came across to me, but once you learn what it really is, and some simple principles of intermittent fasting, you may find the benefits far outweigh the inconveniences. And the science is really backing it up.
“Fasting alone is more powerful in preventing and reversing some diseases than drugs,” said Satchidananda Panda, an associate professor of regulatory biology at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, CA More
Why the 800 Calorie Diet is Best for Rapid Weight Loss
The longer we do this HCG Diet drops thing, the more convinced we become that the best way, by far, is to use drops in conjunction with an 800 calorie diet. Read on, and check the infographic, I bet you’ll agree with us… More
A Single Diet Change that Creates Weight Loss
Research funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute discovered that one simple dietary change can create weight loss. Doctors at the University of Massachusetts conducted research on subjects who all had Metabolic Syndrome, which are a variety of conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes, and high blood sugar, and also had a BMI of over 30 (the level generally considered to be obese.) More
Best Spices for Weight Loss- Zero Belly Spices.
The best spices for weight loss are those that either directly influence weight loss itself, or that aid in some way with digestion or other supportive factors to aid in shedding those unwanted pounds.
But the VERY best spices for weight loss also taste good! Best selling author David Zinczenko recommends the following list in his book, “Zero Belly Diet: Lose Up to 16 lbs. in 14 Days!” which I shamelessly plug with . But, I have to admit I haven’t read it, so buy at your own risk. It definitely has a snazzy title anyway. But, whether it’s good or not, this list of weight loss spices is outstanding, see what you think. He calls them “Zero Belly Spices.” More
Dr. Phil's 20 Foods To Eat To Lose Weight
Dr. Phil recently published a book called that includes 20 foods specifically chosen because of their thermogenic qualities, general nutrition, plus their synergistic nature when eaten together to help regulate blood sugar, burn fat, and generally help you become the super human person you know you are inside. (Uh, he doesn’t claim that, by the way, that was me.)
I highly recommend the book, and this post is in no way designed to replace it, but rather as a quick guide and intro to some of the basic concepts. I won’t be addressing the psychological or emotional stuff, as only Dr. Phil can do that, so if you would like to get the whole story in it’s unadulterated form, click here. Otherwise, here’s a brief overview of some of the principles that I think apply most to my customers and visitors to this website. More
Missy Elliott 71 Pounds Weight Loss Story
Missy Elliot not only rocked the Superbowl half time show, but she cried tears of joy afterwards for all the love she received on social media for her amazing 71 pound weight loss transformation. More
How to Use Weight Loss Apps at Home or Away
There is a great weight loss question today on Shape Magazine’s site: Q: I use an app to track my meals. How do I estimate calories for a restaurant meal or something someone else cooked?
Having used some really great weight loss apps myself, I thought I would share the answer plus my own findings here. More