Determining the Best HCG Drops for You (totally unbiased, really.)
OK, so here at HCG EZ Drops we have a TOTALLY UNBIASED opinion about which are the best HCG drops. Ours. End of post.
Well, OK, we better give our arguments, and some helpful info in determining which are the best HCG drops for you. And if you’re not going to read this whole post, at least check out Alicia’s testimonial, and Sam Kato’s phone pics of his scale on day 1 and 6 below, pretty stunning! But moving on… how do you really determine the best HCG drops for you? Here’s our list:
1.The best ones don’t contain alcohol. This probably seems obvious, but many products do. Check the ingredients before you order.

This is an unsolicited testimonial from Facebook. Crazy, right?
2. The best ones are real amino acid based, not homeopathic. The homeopathic types have really gone out of favor in the last 3 years, they just don’t compare to the new, more potent amino acid based drops. So if it says homeopathic, read: homeo-pathetic 😉
3. The best ones should taste good. Believe it or not, while our return rate has never been very high, it was at its highest when our formulation had a bad taste. It wasn’t terrible, but too tart for some people. One of the primary reasons we added the African Mango was NOT just for the added weight loss effect, it was to make it the best tasting! Trust me, when you have to hold anything under your tongue for two minutes, it’s a LOT easier if it tastes good!
4. The best HCG products, in our opinion, are made right here in the US. No offense to other countries or anything, but we are just so confident in our GMP procedures and FDA inspected facilities that we know US made HCG drops are generally of higher quality than those from off-shore.
5. The best HCG product comes with a superior guarantee. Ours is, as far as we know, the best in the industry. 60 days, no questions asked. We call it our “broken or empty bottle guarantee,” and we mean it. If you are unhappy for any reason, return them and get your money back… all of it!
6. They should come with the best support. We have created a proprietary 800 and 1200 calorie protocol that we provide, along with toll free and e-mail support to help you along the way.
7. The best product delivers quickly. Did you know that EVERY PACKAGE we send is USPS priority mail? Sweet, right? So you get your order fast, usually within 2-3 days of your order.
8. The best ones WORK! Check out the screen shot of Alicia, who posted (unsolicited) her success story of 52 pounds weight loss!! Awesome, right? And here’s an interesting, unique way of sharing a success story… Sam Katoa took a picture of his scale as he did the diet, check out the difference just from day 1 to day 6…
And nothing like hearing it from the man himself, here’s a video he was nice enough to send us about his story. Watch this, then place your order! You have nothing to lose but excess weight!
Still here? Hey, hopefully we have proven to you we have the best HCG drops going… but why not prove it for yourself? YOU could be our next testimonial, bragging to your friends about how you lost a lot of weight in a hurry. Click here to get started now!
January 12, 2015 @ 8:26 pm
Great job to both of you. Alicia looks great before but even better on her after picture. This is motivating me to stick to the diet strictly and seriously. Post more testimonies please.
January 12, 2015 @ 9:14 pm
Thanks Nathalie! You can check out our homepage as we posted some of the astounding weight loss testimonies we received voluntarily from our customers. Yes, you can stick to the plan seriously, I’m sure you can. We are here to support and motivate you. Just let us know if you have questions while doing this diet and we are more than happy to assist you.
January 13, 2015 @ 9:28 pm
Can I return if I am not satisfied with it? You have money back guarantee?
January 13, 2015 @ 10:39 pm
Yes, we sure do. We have 60 days money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied, and I am sure you will be, you may return them opened or unopened, we will refund all your money with no questions asked. I think we offer the best money back because most companies offer 30 days only, while we offer 60. Awesome right? 😉
January 16, 2015 @ 7:57 pm
I can vouch for their money back guarantee. I returned my drops, they refunded my money right away. I had to wean off hcg diet by doctor’s order. I was on medication. But I got cleared by my doc and gave me a go signal woohoo! I can do this diet finally. It’s going to be my first time so all the help I can get please, I would really appreciate it.
January 16, 2015 @ 8:39 pm
Hi @terribletwo, I will be more than happy to assist you on your hcg diet journey. Whatever questions you may have, feel free to post them here, or you can send us an email at . Please include your order number so I can locate your order details easily. Welcome aboard!
January 19, 2015 @ 8:08 pm
My boyfriend and I lost weight together using hcg diet with drops. It’s great that we’ve done it together because we are often eating out, we look out for each other esp. during fall off when one of us is about to cheat. We’re accountability partners. So, I suggest having accountability partners when doing this diet.
January 19, 2015 @ 8:46 pm
I agree. Having an accountability buddy will help both parties achieve their weight loss goals. Thanks K.Jenner for sharing your testimony. How many weight did you and your bf lose by the way if you don;t mind me asking?
January 21, 2015 @ 8:29 pm
I love her transformation. She looks younger on the right picture. I lost 10 lbs using this. Aiming for 5 lbs if possible.
January 21, 2015 @ 8:45 pm
It is possible Sheryl. What protocol did you follow when you lost 10lbs? If you don’t mind me asking.
April 19, 2015 @ 7:15 pm
Do you have pellets? I think pellets will be much more convenient for me.
April 21, 2015 @ 7:54 pm
No, we don’t have pellets. Not to be biased but, non-hormone drops is really the best way to go. Our drops need not be refrigerated. But you have to keep it away from direct sunlight and consume within a month. So you can carry it anywhere you go. You don’t need to carry with you a spoon because the dropper itself is enough, just put it under your tongue and wait a minute or two then swallow. It’s really that easy.
April 23, 2015 @ 2:40 am
I have type 2 diabetes, is this OK for me?
April 24, 2015 @ 12:06 am
We can not really prescribe this for you Linda because it should your doctor who will. But just to let you know that in our many years of selling HCG drops combined with either 800 or 1200 calorie diet plan, we received testimonies from people whose blood pressure became normal and went off their BP meds. Who’s no longer experiencing seizure attacks, who no longer have the urge to smoke, whose able to sleep ever so soundly. It would take so much space here to tell you so many feedbacks we get from our customers. And it could normalize your sugar level too you know why? Because hcg diet is clean eating + the hcg non hormone drops we offer that contains amino acids and many other helpful and natural ingredients. But just like what I said in the beginning, it is your doctor who will tell you what’s best for you. Oh by the way, in case you don;t know, we have our in-house doctor who’s on standby too. If you avail of our promo that qualifies you for a free consultation with him, then he can assess where you are in your health at the moment. Just let me know if you have other questions and I will be more than happy to assist you.
May 11, 2015 @ 1:10 am
Is it bad if alcohol is among the ingredients in the drops? Will affect the weight loss result?
May 14, 2015 @ 11:21 pm
Hi Shiela, the reason there is alcohol is basically to help in absorbing the drops into your bloodstream. If it’s only a very small amount that isn’t even traceable, no it wont affect your weight loss at all. But taking alcohol in the form of liquor by drinking is a different story though. However, just so you know, our drops does not contain alcohol so no worries about your weight loss being affected or something.