5 Things Dr. Simeons Got Wrong
50 years ago, Dr. Simeons did the world a huge favor when he created the HCG diet. But it wasn’t perfect, and decades of science have added to and improved what he started. Here’s the top 5 things he got wrong, and what it means to people who do the HCG diet today.
Please don’t take offense, we know some people think of him as kind of a prophet or something, and we aren’t trying to come across as delinquent apostates or anything, but just pointing out what decades of research and science have proven over the last 50 years.
And trust us, you will like what you hear, these improvements all make the HCG diet that much better:
1. Cosmetics. He found that oil based cosmetics reduced the weight loss effect. Only problem is, that since the 1960’s a LOT of clinical studies have been done on cosmetics and lotions, and their ability to penetrate the skin and what’s the bottom line?
… not so much. Cosmetics, whether oil based or not, have no effect on weight loss, nor the ability to penetrate the 7 layers of skin, and certainly not to affect your weight. So, ladies, wear all the make up and cosmetics your heart desires, during the HCG diet!
2. 500 calories. We know this one is super controversial, and is seen by some as the most “religious” aspect of the HCG protocol, but the fact is that the 500 calorie diet simply doesn’t contain enough protein! That’s why we developed a 800 and 1200 calorie version, and believe it or not, you’ll lose just as much weight on them as you would on 500. Why? Because by keeping your muscle mass up, your bodies natural ability to burn fat remains higher than if you did the original protocol. And check out how Sam Katoa lost 50 pounds, on our 1200 calorie diet (and even cheated a little, gasp!)
3. Injections. Back when he created the HCG protocol, he only used injections. Of course, since then, more convenient forms of product have been invented, from pellets to sprays to drops. The most popular by far nowadays are the drops, which outsell injections by a long shot in today’s market.
So the good news, here, of course is that no longer do you need to “shoot up” to do this.
4. Hormone Imbalances. Way back then the word “hormone imbalance” didn’t really exist. Today, every woman is intimately familiar with what it means, and wants to avoid it. Happily, the new HCG drops available today are formulated to not cause hormone imbalances, so Voila! The drops solve two major problems, no lousy shots, and no hormone imbalances!
5. Dr. Simeons original protocol did not indicate restrictions as what to eat during the loading phase. As a matter of fact, it originally consisted of a bunch of junk food, frankly. But it is best for dieters to still do the fat load using healthy foods, or healthy fats particularly. It is wise to avoid junk food, processed, and unhealthy fats altogether.
So, there you have it, 5 things that just weren’t quite right 50 years ago, but now all is well in the world, and people can lose 1-2 pounds a day with the original protocol, improved, simplified, and less “expensified,” by adding these improvements to their HCG diet experience.
January 9, 2015 @ 2:13 pm
Does this mean we can use our own body lotion with oils, body wash and facial moisturizers? Also, hand soap and santizers??
Please let me know this by email, whenever you can.
Thank you so much.
January 9, 2015 @ 7:35 pm
Hi Debbie, you may continue taking your old products that are oil based if you wish. What we found out and gathered from our old and new customers, and from other sources as well, that cosmetics is not a factor for hcg dieters to not lose weight. So go ahead Debbie and go back to your favorite cosmetics and oil based products. It should not affect your weight loss. But if you suddenly experience a stall (which is still normal for a rapid weight loss), and you think your cosmetics is the only thing you added, then stop and see what happens. Hope you can share with us what happens if you can. Thanks Debbie!
February 13, 2015 @ 4:58 pm
Hey Mickey,
I wanted to get back to you with my results using my own cosmetics and other facial products.
I have completed 43 days of round 2. Round 1 was done through a local facility and I lost 27 lbs. during this round I followed the original plan, 500-550 calories, no oil products, only approved products. I stayed with it strictly. Round 2, I moved to 800 calories and used my cosmetics under your plan and lost 23 lbs. I did stay with other approved items such as bath wash, deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. I did do a steak day once a week for stalls but I’m very pleased with my results. Now, it’s 3 wks,no sugar no starches and then 3 wks of add ons. I will be continuing with Round 3. Thank you for the changes in the program, they work and they make 40 days a little less restrictive.
February 13, 2015 @ 7:26 pm
Wow! Debbie, that’s really great! 23 lbs weight loss is quite awesome I must say. Is this going to be your last round or are you planning on doing another round after this?
March 3, 2015 @ 9:19 pm
Mickey, I am doing a 3rd round in about 3 weeks.
I want to know about doing 21 days because of reunion conflicts. After 21 days do I still follow with 3 weeks of no sugar no starch?
March 4, 2015 @ 11:15 pm
Hi Debbie, so sorry for the late reply. I had to delete too many spam comments to see legit ones. Yes, still no sugar and starch for 3 weeks after the low calorie phase. But you may already increase your calories and start slowly incorporating fats in your diet. Better start with healthier sources of fats like avocado, coconut oil, almond nuts. etc. Let me know if this is answer you are looking for? Thanks!
January 12, 2015 @ 8:17 pm
Cool! 50 years is a very long time to still be considering it the most effective. Our surroundings changed. This is great! Thanks for these info.
January 12, 2015 @ 9:11 pm
You’re absolutely right. During Dr. Simeons time, there’s not that much resources available to back his claim, and many more loopholes for dieters to continue sticking to it.
March 5, 2015 @ 11:23 pm
Hi Mickey,
Thank you for your reply. This is what I needed to know for my round 3. I just finished this 3 week period, so now 3 weeks before I start again.
March 10, 2015 @ 6:13 pm
That’s great Debbie. You may take it easy for now, but take it easy responsibly, that’s all I’m saying.
You may now slowly introduce sugar and starch into your diet. Say, one new food at a time. I would also recommend exercise during this phase. Let me know if you have other questions Debbie.
January 13, 2015 @ 9:25 pm
500 calories is really really low. 1200 cal is best for me too. I can workout a little with the 1200 protocol right?
January 13, 2015 @ 10:36 pm
You may but make sure you take protein before you workout. There are protein powders out there, do you have one in particular? Also, just go easy on the workout. After the hcg diet, you can do as much workout as you want to tone up your new fit body.
January 16, 2015 @ 7:48 pm
Hmmm, that makes sense. I’ve been wondering how in the world can I lose more weight if I do 800 calories vs 500 calories. In my mind, if I eat less, I will lose more weight. Thanks for the explanation. But I hope you explain further, as in layman’s term? That would be really great.
January 16, 2015 @ 8:47 pm
Yep, contrary to belief that you will lose more weight with less calories. Remember. you can lose weight with 500 calories only, but at the expense of your muscle mass. If you lose muscle mass, it will register on the scale that you lost weight because muscle is heavier than fats. You still have the stubborn stored fats, but with decreased muscle mass, which is a total no no. Does that make sense?
That is why we no longer recommend 500 calories. Dr. Robbins 800 and 1200 calorie plans have more food choices too so you are less likely to not quit and just enjoy your hcg diet journey. Hope I clearly answered your question.
January 19, 2015 @ 7:16 pm
Thank you. This is much clearer now.
January 19, 2015 @ 6:54 pm
This makes a lot of sense. In Simeons protocol, or I guess people thought it was what Dr. Simeons meant to eat anything during loading phase. It didn’t make sense to eat unhealthy foods just to stuff up in prep for the vlcd. Good to know someone made sense about the hcg diet. Good job y’all.
January 19, 2015 @ 8:47 pm
Thanks Pat.
January 30, 2015 @ 11:51 pm
I lost a lot of weight with Simeons protocol and I am very happy with the results. But to tell you honestly, it’s quite a hard diet to stick to. 500 calories is just too restrictive. My doctor talked me out of it so I had to keep it hush hush. If I had to do hcg again in the summer, I will try 800 or 1200. Oh and this info is such a revelation to me, esp about the cosmetics. Good job whoever collected these info!
February 3, 2015 @ 12:51 am
Thank you Terrence. We are glad this info helped you somehow.
February 10, 2015 @ 2:47 am
I support this claim a 100%. Simply because I lost 35 lbs doing 1200 calorie protocol. I am a into weight lifting these days. But before I did, I got this idea that I need to lose the extra weight first and then tone my body by going to the gym, etc. That’s what I did. It;s easier that way. Hcg is the best. Whether you are doing injection, pellet, or whatnot. But for me, the drops worked best. Hey, I may be a man, but I don’t like being pricked by a needle just to lose weight. It’s like taking steroids to an athlete, that’s not how it is for me. So good luck everyone!
February 10, 2015 @ 11:36 pm
Awesome weight loss result SamSimmons. You did a wise move when you opted to lose the extra weight first and then hit the gym after to tone them muscles. Just like one of our customers Sam Katoa. He is an athlete and for him it’s hard to lose the extra pound by depending on the gym for some card core lifting, etc. He used our hcg drops and did 1200 calories too because there’s no way for him to do the 500 or 800 calories. So he lost 50 lbs doing that. It’s amazing isn’t it? Thanks for sharing your story with us. Hope we get to see your before and after picture to inspire others? Hope you don’t mind though
April 12, 2015 @ 11:22 pm
I’m back and have started round 3. I am ashamed to say that during my break I really overdid the sugar. I am addicted to sugar and it is my biggest obstacle. It took my entire first week to loser the weight I gained. My question is can I still take the drops during the 3 week stabilization and 3 week break? Not as much but enough to help with the cravings?
Also, any new tips for round 3 for weight loss? Is it true better to eat 1 whole grapefruit per day for a serving than berries, Apple or orange? I need all the support I can get, I will be doing another round after this one.
Thanks Mickey.
April 14, 2015 @ 8:59 pm
Hi Debbie, the truth is you can take the drops continuously. You know why? Because this product provides essential amino acids, appetite suppressants, and natural energy and mental nutrients that are safe, non-habit forming, and we have had several people continue taking them long term! There is no harm in this, and for some people they even have positive benefits such as less desire to smoke, less seizures… it has become a long term product for several of our customers! In fact, we just heard another feedback just last Friday that her husband got off his HB meds by his own doctor. So yeah, you may take this longer than usual.
As for tips for round 3, do the things that worked best for you on your first rounds. If you find that is not working as great for you, then change something. For example, if you are used to eating berries but you have to adjust a little by eating 1 whole grapefruit instead. But make sure you observe how your body reacts to those gradual changes you are doing. Keep in mind Debbie that results really vary from person to person. That 1 grapefruit/day may have worked better for some people but it doesn’t mean it will work just the same for all. So you will really have to experiment. But then most dieters I have observed find that having variety of foods gave them the best result than by just eating the same kind of food everyday.
Also, doing a detox bath can help a great deal. I will forward to you the ingredients, let me just search out blog post about it. I will post it here as a reply to you and will also send it to your email ASAP. Hope I was able to somehow help with the info you need. Please do check back from time to time because we would love to assist each and everyone with their hcg diet journey. Have a good one Debbie!
April 15, 2015 @ 10:28 pm
No. 5, indeed doctor Simeons allowed any food, especially fatty foods. I frankly have a love hate relationship with that phase. As much as I love to binge on fatty, processed, fast foods, but I feel so guilty when all I eat for 2 days are ice cream, large fries, huge burgers, cakes etc. So if it;s ok to switch to healthy fats as you mentioned on no. 5, then that’s a breath of fresh air and I’d love that.
April 19, 2015 @ 6:51 pm
Yes, definitely you can switch to healthy fats. Just eat as much as you can. Avocados, etc. The point of doing Phase 1 is to prepare you for the coming low calorie phase. By all means, eat healthy all the way!
April 19, 2015 @ 7:24 pm
I guess some 50 years ago they have limited resource to research on it. Did he mention whether he tried healthy foods on Phase 1 before trying the fatty foods that are unhealthy ones? So yes, this should be considered by so many people out there to do healthy loading. Although after loading phase, you will eat clean anyway so you will eliminate the bad stuff you just ate. I don’t know, I guess these are the choices we have to make for ourselves. I will try doing healthy load next time around and let’s see how it goes.
April 23, 2015 @ 7:42 pm
My thoughts exactly. He did not mention the testing of healthy food on Phase1. I didn’t read anywhere in his manuscript. I couldn’t handle the eating of fatty foods alone for 2 days. It’s gross, but I had to shove it off my mouth. I mean I eat unhealthy stuff sometimes but with healthy ones same day. I also did 500 cal. I lost 20 lbs, next I did 800 I lost 17 lbs, then this last time I lost 25 lbs. with the 800. I go for the 800 anytime of the day.
April 24, 2015 @ 12:08 am
Congrats on your weight loss results Jamie! Did our hcg drops + 800 protocol caused your amazing weight loss results? Cause I am sure our readers would like to find out. If you don’t mind our prying. 😉
May 15, 2015 @ 12:19 am
I did spray and pellet and I don’t think it did the work as well as the drops. I lost 23 in 40 days. Not bad right? But if take your drops you said one will lose 1-2 pounds per day right? Is that even true or you are just selling your product?
May 22, 2015 @ 8:43 am
Hi Rebecca, we are indeed selling our product and it is because we know we can back up our claim of losing 1-2 lbs per day. Of course not everyone loses 1-2 per day, but that is the normal weight loss dieters are having. Most especially those who are following the protocol to the T. They lose the weight they are supposed to lose and are very satisfied with it. While others, after losing so much in their past rounds, develop immunity. In which case, they try to stay off the drops for a couple of months. Then do another round thereafter. Let me know if you have other questions.