How to kick start a 50 pound weight loss diet
There’s a great piece here by Dr. Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen on how to kick start a weight loss diet. And, most of this is very “HCG diet friendly.” It starts with this excellent question:
Q: I need to lose 50 pounds. I’ve tried everything! Nothing seems to work well enough (or fast enough) to keep me on the right path. Can you help?— Kelly G., San Francisco More
Newest Weight Loss Trick? Cold Weather…
According to ABC news, the latest “secret” to weight loss is simple: lower the temperature!
According to ABC news, researchers have proven that cold can lead directly to a loss of brown fat. Apparently, being cold produces a hormone called irisin, which increases calorie burn.
In similar studies, cold showers have been proven to have great health effects, including:
1. Increases Alertness
2. Refines Hair and Skin
3. Improves Immunity and Circulation
4. Stimulates Weight Loss
5. Speeds Up Muscle Soreness and Recovery
6. Eases Stress
7. Relieves Depression
So, turn down the heat, have a cold shower or bath, and generally try to get your body temperature down, and you will see multiple health benefits! Bring on the shiver!
5 Things Dr. Simeons Got Wrong
50 years ago, Dr. Simeons did the world a huge favor when he created the HCG diet. But it wasn’t perfect, and decades of science have added to and improved what he started. Here’s the top 5 things he got wrong, and what it means to people who do the HCG diet today.
Please don’t take offense, we know some people think of him as kind of a prophet or something, and we aren’t trying to come across as delinquent apostates or anything, but just pointing out what decades of research and science have proven over the last 50 years.
And trust us, you will like what you hear, these improvements all make the HCG diet that much better: More
Determining the Best HCG Drops for You (totally unbiased, really.)
OK, so here at HCG EZ Drops we have a TOTALLY UNBIASED opinion about which are the best HCG drops. Ours. End of post.
Well, OK, we better give our arguments, and some helpful info in determining which are the best HCG drops for you. And if you’re not going to read this whole post, at least check out Alicia’s testimonial, and Sam Kato’s phone pics of his scale on day 1 and 6 below, pretty stunning! But moving on… how do you really determine the best HCG drops for you? Here’s our list:
1.The best ones don’t contain alcohol. This probably seems obvious, but many products do. Check the ingredients before you order. More
Pure HCG Diet: Metabolic Assessment Form and Notes
“Negative results are just what I want. They’re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don’t.”
-Thomas Edison
On this page you can download the Metabolic Assessment Form, which would be a great idea to do before starting your pure HCG diet. Why? Because there’s nothing like a good thorough health evaluation every now and then to really help you establish where you currently are, but more importantly, to help map out a plan to get where you want to be. More
HCG Diet Drops: Keys to 2 Pounds Per Day Weight Loss
So the HCG diet promises 1-2 pounds weight loss per day, right? And of course, many have achieved that… but not everybody does. In this post I will explore the reasons why people don’t succeed with HCG diet drops, and how to overcome them.
First, a story. I’ve been the proud owner of HCG EZ Drops for over 4 years… and have heard the personal success stories of hundreds, maybe thousands of our customers. We have tens of thousands of customers. And their feedback has been amazing, and mostly successful, but I’ve also had people lose less than a pound a day on HCG and been disappointed, for example… More
HCG Drops While Menstruating
There have been many questions regarding using oral HCG drops while menstruating. Let’s answer that question now!
After starting your period while using oral HCG drops stop taking the HCG drops and continue with the 800 or 1200 calorie diet. Don’t forget to weigh yourself every morning. As soon as your period is over resume taking the oral HCG drops. A woman’s body manufactures HCG at the onset of her monthly cycle, so it is not necessary to take drops during this time.
Here’s a few tips about this:
The Evolution of HCG Diet Products: Shots, Drops, Pellets and More…
Since the 1960’s the HCG diet has come a long way. It used to be that the only method of doing the HCG diet was through injections of the actual HCG hormone, in conjunction with a 500 calorie diet. And thank goodness for Dr. Simeons and this discovery, as he pioneered a method that has helped people drop weight rapidly for over six decades.
But… lets face it, any diet involving needles and a 500 calorie diet is pretty scary to the masses, and in recent years formulators developed other methodologies to improve the protocol to make it less expensive, less drastic, and more comfortable.
10 Foods Not Worth Buying Organic, and Other Healthy Tips
As wise buyers, we often think of how to save money on food but hardly entertain the idea of going organic right? Think about it, we are all aware that conventional and processed foods contain additives and preservatives, antibiotics, hormones, and pesticides that are partly to blame for many of the health problems, but we also don’t want to waste money on any fake organic marketing stuff.
So, here’s a few tips to help you get healthier food in the fridge, while keeping the budget under control! More
HCG and the 1200 Calorie Diet
“How does the 1200 calories work and show the same effect as the 500 calorie diet?” was a question recently asked by a customer, here is the response: This diet allows individuals who would normally be restricted to as little as 500 calories a day to take in 1200 calories each day without compromising the superior weight loss. The 1200 diet plan still allows individuals to lose huge amounts of weight in a limited amount of time, without the risk of starving the body. This is something that doctors’ fear can happen on the lower calorie HCG diet, which calls for only 500 calories. Every dieter is unique in every way so we made modifications to the original 500 calorie HCG diet protocol. Some people have very active lifestyle and some just don’t have an active lifestyle, so in order to suit the lifestyle of the dieters we created the right diet plan for them. More