HCG Product Safe List (Cosmetics and Lotions)
Did you know that Dr. Simeons taught that when oily substances such as fats, ointments and other assorted body creams applied directly on the skin often interfere with HCG weight reduction capabilities?
While much research has been done on which cosmetics actually penetrate the skin, and in our experience, this has little effect on your weight loss, we realize many of you are pretty dedicated and want to be strictly “by the book” on your diet, so we supply this info for purists! More
EZ Drops Testimonials
There’s just nothing like real, happy customers who submit testimonials to validate a product. So, here’s a compilation of UNSOLICITED testimonials, all of which are simply copied and pasted from our Facebook page. Thanks for submitting if you are one of these people!
Testimonial: “Started 2 days ago and am down 3 lbs already.” – Linda Rose M. http://ezlk.net/testi25
Testimonial: “so far 19 in 4 wks.” – Cindy C. See her testi here: http://ezlk.net/testi24
Testimonial: “round 1 for 40 days, i lost 32.6 lbs and 17 inches, very happy”- Debbie K. Find her testi here: http://ezlk.net/testi23
Testimonial: Lost 5 lbs during TOM. or 7 days into the hcg diet low calorie phase. Now on Phase 3. – Karen S’s daughter.
Testimonial: “now i am on P2 day 2 and lost about 2 kg. – -!” – Niketa W.
Testimonial: Back at 1st day on phase 2 lost 5.6 lbs a new record for me. – Lindsay W. http://ezlk.net/testi20
Testimonial: “Both me and my husband have had lots of success. I am down 25 lbs and he is down 30 lbs.” – A. Moore
Testimonial: “Had the best first week ever lost 17 pounds !!!! I’m still in shock” – Lindsay W. Check testi here: http://ezlk.net/testi17
Testimonial: “Back at 1st day on P2 lost 5.6 lbs a new record for me motivated to lose 20 by Christmas” Lindsay W. http://ezlk.net/testi16
Testimonial: Annmarie M. lost 12 lbs in 9 days.
Testimonial: “AFTER PICTURE 25 POUNDS LIGHTER WOOHOO THANK YOU HCG DROPS” – Sierra S. http://ezlk.net/testi15
Testimonial: I lost 28 pounds. – Marwa E. Check it here: http://ezlk.net/testi11
Testimonial: In two months I lost a total of 47 lbs and have kept. It off, this stuff keeps you from being hungry and I concentrated on what, I could have and not what, I couldn’t have, I totally adm for this, however my Dr thought I would gain the weight right back, so far I haven’t. – Betty J.
Testimonial: I lost 68lbs in 52 days on your ” – Sheri C. http://ezlk.net/testi8
Testimonial: 2nd day on the drops when I 1st started, I lost 6lbs. In a week I lost 12lbs. – Sheri C. http://ezlk.net/testi8
Testimonial:2 yrs ago my daughter lost 48lbs in 42 days. Now 15 lbs in 15 days.’ Sheri C. http://ezlk.net/testi7
Testimonial: l lost 20 lb’s in 2 weeks doing those drops and the diet!!! – Betty J. http://ezlk.net/testi8
Testimonial: ‘My daughter did the 800 cal a day with the breakfast. She lost 7 lbs in one day too!’ – Sheri C. –> http://ezlk.net/testi7
Testimonial: “My 17 yr old daughter lost 15lbs in 15 days on your brand of HCG. First time she did it she two years ago she lost 48lbs in 42 days She went back on to lose the little she gained back over time from returning to old eating habits.”http://ezlk.net/testi7
Testimonial: Lost 97 lbs total – Lindsay W. Check her post here —>http://ezlk.net/testi6
Testimonial: Lindsey L. lost 4 #lbs on her 1st day of the 800 calorie diet. See her progress here: http://ezlk.net/testihcg
Testimonial:Mary L. lost 22 lbs in 13 days doing HCG 800 cal. diet.
Testimonial: “I am really excited about when I finally come off the diet with the brochure gives me the foods I can eat while not dieting as well. What I like about this diet one it works but teaches me portion control” – Sierra S. http://ezlk.net/testihcg1
Testimonial: “I’m on Day 17 and I’ve lost 20 lbs since July 18th.” – Tracey N. Read her post here –> http://ezlk.net/testihcg2
Testimonial: Karen S. lost 9 lbs in 3 days. She’s a few lbs more to reach her goal & she’s so excited!
Testimonial: Veronica J. lost 26 lbs. doing EZ Diet. Look up her testi here –> http://ezlk.net/testihcg3
Testimonial: Lara K. lost 12.8 lbs in 14 days w/ EZ Diet! Follow her progress here –> http://ezlk.net/testimonial
Testimonial: A shout out to Latrina R. for losing 15 lbs. She’s on her way to Phase 3. Carry on Latrina and congrats again!
Testimonial: Lindsay W.’s update: 19.6 lbs in 2 weeks doing 800 calorie diet. Look up her testi here–>http://ezlk.net/testi2
Testimonial: Lindsey L. is so happy that she switched from the from 500 to the 800 calorie protocol on her 2nd round! She lost 4 pounds on her first day! Dr. Robbins created the 800 and 1200 calorie plans just for HCG EZ Drops because it is much safer and gives long term results.
Testimonial: A big Kudos to Piyali G. for her weight loss on HCG diet. Here’s an excerpt of her testimonial. “I have lost a total of 15 lbs. My goal is to lose 30 more, but this is very encouraging to begin with. :-)”
Testimonial: “I just wanted to say thanks to the drops and all the support hcg has changed my life so much. This past sat i did my first 5k less than a year ago i got out of breath walking down the street i dont think i have ever been more proud of myself . I hope everyone on this site knowns how much there support and advice has changed so many lifes so thanks !!!there were so many days I wanted to give up but all the support has helped push me through.” – Lindsay W. http://ezlk.net/testi5
Testimonial: Linsday W. lost 38 lbs and just concluded her 3rd round on HCG diet. She’s lost 79.4 lbs total. She’s gonna be doing another round soon aiming to hit the 100 lbs weight loss mark. You wont see her personal message to us as she’s having some technical issues on her cell phone but that wouldn’t stop us from congratulating her. So congrats Lindsay! Keep it up and keep it off!
Testimonial: I love HCG!! I lost 29 pounds in 33 days and have kept it off. I only fluctuate 3 pounds and keep it in check easily! Thank you HCG EZ Drops! Verity M. Read her actual statement here –> http://ezlk.net/testi27
Testimonial: Day 7. 9.57 lbs lost. 4 inches off hips/belly area. 1 inch off waist. I was skeptical, I admit. But this is very encouraging. Check out her post here –> http://ezlk.net/testi3
Testimonial: “from 110 lbs im now down to 106 lbs. in 3 days thanks a lot for the support and the motivation” Kate L.C.A. from the Philippines
Testimonial: “I have been on the diet 2 days and I have lost 3 pounds already” Sierra S., http://ezlk.net/testihcg4
Testimonial:”I love HCG!! I lost 29 pounds in 33 days and have kept it off. Thank you HCG EZ Drops!” – Veritea L. http://ezlk.net/testihcg5
Testimonial: “These are my miracle in a bottle! 30lbs down…” Lori H. http://ezlk.net/testi
Testimonial: “I’ve lost 16 lbs in the 2 wks I’ve been on it and I feel so much better already even though I still have a ways to go.” Sandra B.
Testimonial: “Both me and my husband have had lots of success with the drops. I am down 25 lbs & he is down 30 lbs.
Testimonial: “I recommend that African Mango w/ the EZ Drops. I lost 29 lbs so far!” Sam Katoa
HCG 800 Calorie Diet Tips
HCG 800 Calorie Diet : Options for adding 300 calories to the original 500 calorie protocol.
In this article we are going to teach you how to do the HCG 800 calorie diet, rather than a traditional 500 calorie protocol.
Many people need more calories for a variety of reasons:
Weight Loss Tracker for HCG Drops Diet Plan
Having a printable weight loss tracker is very important in every weight loss plan. This is, by no means, for OC or uber organized people only. A dieter must realize the significance of taking down notes of every tiny little details, and every changes that is happening before, during, and after the diet plan. In this case, the hcg drops diet plan.
Here are some obvious benefits of using a weight tracker:
1. You will be able to see your weight loss progress day by day
2. You will be able to see how near or far you are to reach your goal.
3. You can compare results on a weekly basis and be able to make necessary adjustments in your diet plan
4. You may use this filled in weight loss tracker as reference when you go and do another round of whatever diet plan you are on.
5. You get to enjoy your weight loss results more because you see the numbers o down. This, thus, give you motivation to pursue better and healthy lifestyle.
You can download a simple weight loss chart here: hcg-ez-drops-weight-chart
4 Basic Steps of the HCG Drops Diet Plan
The 4 basic phases of the HCG drops diet plan are as follows:
Phase 1: Loading – this is very important because it will prepare your body for the aggressive HCG fat burn you are about to experience. You will be gorging on fatty food choices for 2 or 3 days, and as strange as it seems, almost nothing is off limits here, like: ice cream, hamburgers, cheesecakes, french fries, and many more. Obviously, eating healthy is ALWAYS a good idea, but loading up on fatty food is the goal, so even some fast foods etc. will be acceptable. Throw in a mix of healthy fatty foods like avocado, healthy oils, meats, etc. as well. Just make sure you “load” for 2-3 days with fatty foods. You take the HCG drops during this part of the plan. During this time, and the next phase, you will take 20 drops, twice a day, holding them under your tongue for 1-2 minutes. The easiest way is to count the drops onto a spoon. Make sure and take them 30 minutes or so before or after eating.
Phase 2: Low Calorie Diet – During this part of the plan, choose between our proprietary 800 and 1200 calorie HCG plan options, while continuing to take the HCG drops.
You may have heard the HCG drops should be taken in conjunction with a 500 calorie plan, but back in the 1960’s when Dr. Simeons was creating this plan, he didn’t realize that the 500 cal method didn’t include enough protein to maintain muscle mass. Hence, the creation of 800 and 1200 calorie HCG drops plans.
Don’t be fooled by the numbers, with both the 800 and 1200 HCG plans, you will still lose just as much. The key is to go with the 1200 if you are very active, and 800 if you are not so active. The 800 is preferred, and promises the same amount of weight loss as the 500 cal plan, 1200 calories may be too much for some people to achieve the 1-2 pounds of loss per day.
So that is step 2, just choose wisely and stick to it. Follow this plan for 21-40 days. You will need 2-4 bottles of HCG EZ Drops during this time, depending on how long you can stay in this rapid weight loss mode. We recommend a minimum of 21 days, and maximum of 40 days.
This is the rapid weight loss part of the HCG plan where you should lose between .5-2 pounds per day!
Phase 3: Stabilization – The goal now that you have lost a significant amount of weight is to try to stabilize it by sticking to a 1500 to 2000 calories diet plan without sugar and starch based foods. You discontinue using the drops during this step, unless you have had some really sweet, unexpected benefits from them, as mentioned in the video below.
If you happen to gain more than 2 pounds, the best solution is to drink more water, do an apple or steak day and find the culprit from the food you just added in your diet.
To get back to your new weight level gained at the end of step 2, eat only apples the whole day, or eat nothing but water all day, except for a large steak during dinner, with veggies on the side. Since this is only for 3 weeks, it’s gonna be easy breezy. Don’t stress too much when you see the scale says you gained half a pound, 1 pound, 1 1/2 pounds. That’s why it’s called “stabilization” phase because your body is trying to keep the new weight you attained. You will stabilize better if you follow the no sugar no starch diet without being overly stressed. So relax and enjoy the results. One of the main epiphanies here is that many people have drastically reduced desires for junk food, their cravings have been reset to desire more healthy foods!
This introductory video with Dr. Kepo’o gives an excellent, in depth overview of how to succeed with the HCG drops diet!
Phase 4. Maintenance – So now, you get to enjoy sweet success and some sweets too. Yes, you get to incorporate sweets and starchy food, but you still have to take it easy, this is where you are starting to eat a normal diet, but where you want to avoid going back to any unhealthy habits that would put weight back on again.
Ideally, you just don’t crave as much junk, and certainly not as often. But you can eat it now within reason. It’s the HCG diet drops resetting of the hypotalamus that make this possible.
Once you have been on the maintenance phase for a few weeks, and maintained your weight, you can now start another round of HCG diet drops to rapidly drop another 10-30 pounds.
Healthy Eating
There’s an old quote related to healthy eating that goes like this, “Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a pauper“.
Kings are known to be treated highly and when it comes to food, they are served with the best their personal high paid chef can offer. Relatively, if we eat like a “king” during breakfast, a power breakfast that consist of carbs, eggs, and the highly recommended green smoothies, there will be more carbs or calories to burn, and the more energy it produces for our body’s needed fuel that will last us the whole day. Same principle applies that if we eat less during this time, there wouldn’t be enough energy to fuel us up throughout the day. As for lunch, a typical meal which consist of protein, veggies, fruits and a little carb.
Queens are also offered the best of the best but being on the feminine side, they tend to eat smaller meals than men, and perhaps their figure are considered as well. Gender aside, this type of “small-meal” or “queen-like” eating is just about enough to help nourish our bodies and sustain our energy before the day ends. Also, our pacing tends to slow down a little bit during this time.
Lastly, as for the “pauper”, we all know that they are, most of the time,deprived of food for not having enough money to spend. But that’s not to say we deprive ourselves of food at all. Figuratively, it means to eat less during dinner. It should still be consisting of protein, a little carb, veggies and fruits but less servings compared to breakfast and lunch. This is because our bodies and metabolism slows down, what with lesser activities to do. Also, our brain recognizes, as the sun sets and as our surroundings become less noisy, that we are about to retire and slumber, that it automatically sends signal to our body to slow down. And once we are asleep, the food we ate gets processed very slowly. Specially if we eat so much fatty foods, it wouldn’t be burned as energy, rather, it becomes stored fats that is hard to eliminate.
I hope this clarifies that, as the quote suggest, to be eating like a king or a queen doesn’t mean being a picky eater or our meals should be fine dining or we ought to have our own chef. Nor we ought to eat whatever is available to a typical pauper. Eating a complete and healthy set of meal is what the quote implies, which is fundamental to maintaining a healthy body.
HCG Success Stories
These testimonials are from the very people who tried the EZ diet plan and were happy with the results. They can’t help but to share it to the world. Be inspired by these figures and make possibilities, possible by trying the EZ diet.
HCG Diet Recipes Phase 2 | Approved Proteins
For your HCG diet recipes in phase 2, make sure you only use these approved proteins. Please note that the use of red meat, tuna or 4 oz salmon is limited to 3 times weekly. All visible fat must be removed before cooking and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be cooked without additional fats or oils. It can be grilled on George Forman grill, baked or broiled. You may use Pam or similar spray or I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter spray only.
White Chiken
Filet Mignon
White Turkey
Blue Fish
Ground Round
Oyster (10)
White Fish
Clams (10)
White Pork
Ocean Perch
Veal Chops
Orange Roughly
Phase 3 Maintenance: Sugars to Avoid
The only things you should avoid on P3 are sugary and starchy foods. Read through to the end to find a great solution to satisfy your sweet tooth! Now let’s deal with the sugary first and I will touch base on starchy foods on the next blog. The sugars that should be avoided are those sugars in cookies, cake, pie, candy, cupcakes, frosting, soft drinks, corn syrup, kool-aid, processed food, energy drinks, fruit juice, honey, yogurt, donuts, cookies, pudding, maple syrup, brownies, canned fruit in heavy syrup, ice cream, cool whip, boxed breakfast cereals, breakfast bars, granola.
As much as possible no sugar! And please it is very important to read labels of the food you are going to buy, especially when they come in package.
And remember, you’re avoiding starches too. Almost all packed or processed foods today contain high fructose corn syrup or some other kind of sugar. Allow me to name a few of those sugars that are found in processed foods;
- Brown sugar
- Corn syrup
- Demerara Sugar
- Dextrose
- Free Flowing Brown Sugars
- Fructose
- Galactose
- Glucose
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Honey
- Invert Sugar
- Lactose
- Malt
- Maltodextrin
- Maltose
- Maple syrup
- Molasses
- Muscovado or Barbados Sugar
- Panocha
- Powdered or confectioner’s sugar
- Rice Syrup
- Sucrose
- Sugar (granulated)
- Treacle
- Turbinado sugar
OK, so now that you know all those sugars to avoid, here’s the solution we promised: Stevia. It’s natural, many times sweeter than sugar, and has no calories. You can find it at any health food store. WARNING! It’s really strong! Just a quarter of a teaspoon is enough to sweeten any single serving, such as a cup of coffee or bowl of cereal etc. So get yourself a container of Stevia, and when you just have to sweeten something up, it’s a guilt free solution!
Ideally, if you have followed the HCG drops diet protocol properly, your sugar cravings are dramatically reduced by now.
More of HCG Ez's Truths
Heya all dieters another story here from our HCG EZ Drops Dieter that will make you wake up and be inspired. Make Piyali G. your fitspiration. She lost an amazing 15 lbs.
Here is what she can proudly say about her achievement, “I have lost a total of 15 lbs. My goal is to lose 30 more, but this is very encouraging to begin with. :)”. You may check this information in our facebook
This is really awesome! Many dieters are not open to share their success stories. They are not ashamed how they looked before but they are more proud of how more confident they have become now!
And here is another weight loss update for Lindsay W.’s: 19.6 lbs in 2 weeks doing 800 calorie diet. This is superb! Here is her actual testimony from our HCG EZ Drops facebook
And here is a recent update from Lindsay: she’s on her way in reaching the 100 lbs mark weight loss. She’s on her 3rd round. Good job girls! Kudos to all of you. You deserve to give yourselves a treat! Not treat through food, however, you can treat yourself by shopping a new clothes for your small size.